Are you ready to change your financial landscape within the next 12 months? If so, read on for a simple tip that will help you achieve your goal.
This tip may not be what you want to hear, but it will remove excuses that have been holding you back. After reading this, you will no longer have a ready-made excuse to fall back on. This tip will strip away any excuses like Dad strips away the warm covers on a winter morning.
There are two primary excuses I often hear from people when it comes to why they haven’t started investing in their future: time and lack of knowledge. While these may seem like valid excuses on the surface, the unspoken reality is that fear is usually the true obstacle preventing people from taking action. In this article, I’m going to address the time and knowledge excuses directly so that we can overcome them and get started on the path to success.
So, let’s dive in…but be warned, you may not like what you’re about to read!
As many of you already know, I am a big advocate for rehabbing real estate as a way to make some extra money. I know from personal experience that you can easily make an extra $10,000 to $50,000 per year by investing just 10 hours a week into it.
In other words, even if you have a busy weekends, you can still find 10 hours during the week to devote to a real estate investing career. So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, real estate investing is definitely worth considering!
Would you rather spend your time watching football or learning how to rehab properties? If you’re honest with yourself, you could probably learn a lot in 10 hours per week if you dedicated yourself to it. And since the process of rehabbing real estate isn’t rocket science, it’s a process that can be learned relatively easily. So if you’re looking to start your own business in this area, it’s definitely doable!
For those of you who don’t watch much TV, take a look at your daily habits and see where your time is going. There is often time sinks that you can eliminate by changing your habits. Do you spend hours surfing the net? Do you spend two hours a day working out? Or do you sleep 10-12 hours a day?
Chances are there is a way to free up some hours by making a relatively minor change in your habits. I can hear it already…GIVE UP TV?! That’s not a minor adjustment! Baloney.
Money or TV? Let’s see which one is really more important to you. I’m going to offer you a deal – if you give me your TV for a year, I’ll give you $10,000 in return. Would you take it? What if I upped the offer to $20,000?
Approach number 2:
What would happen if you gave up TV?
– You wouldn’t have anything to talk about with your coworkers at the water cooler. I mean, you could still talk to them, but you wouldn’t have anything in common anymore.
– You would miss out on seeing who beat who on the field or on the court.
– Shows will come and go, and you will never see them.
Think about it! You’d miss out on your favorite TV shows, but the world would keep spinning and your financial picture would improve.
Is the time you spend in front of the TV really worth what it’s costing you? $10,000 or $20,000, or even $30,000 or more…every year?
I’ll go a step further. You could stop watching all your favorite programs and guess what, your life would be unchanged. But if you did something positive with that time you spent watching them, your life will be changed for the better.
For all the sports fans out there, let’s say your team wins the championship this year – does that really change your life in any way? Do you get a raise? Do you move into a nicer house? Does it change anything that actually matters? Of course, you get to tell people that they are “your” team even when they aren’t and nobody on the team knows you from Adam. In fact, if “your” team wins you will probably be even more into them, spend more time watching TV, so the cost to you goes up! Sure, it’s exciting when your team wins but in the grand scheme of things, does it really make that much of a difference to your life?
I’m not trying to lecture anyone, but there are a lot of people who could benefit from this wake-up call. Making a small change in your daily habits – like watching less TV – can have a big impact on your finances. So spend a month learning about this, then make a plan and put it into action. That’s how change happens.
My close friends and family know that I rarely turn on my TV. Years ago, I made the commitment to use my time better and it has improved my life immensely. So, I want you to know that I am living my own advice.
Even though I don’t watch “reality” TV and I would rather see my sports live, my life is different now! I’ll never look at TV the same again!
You can do the same. This minor habit adjustment can mean that you take control of your financial future and drive it where you want to go.
I knew that some of you wouldn’t like it, but there it is…the formula to free up a lot of time and how to gain the knowledge you need to make this coming year the most profitable yet. Will you do it?
If you’re feeling afraid or apprehensive about something, know that you’re not alone. Many people struggle with fear on a daily basis, but there are ways to combat it. I have written a six-part series of articles to help you overcome your fears. To access these articles, simply visit my website and sign up for my “Nothing Held Back” newsletter. You’ll be able to get the articles at no cost and learn how to effectively overcome your fears.